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MJ Workshop

For my final project, I am taking characters from the books we have read and turning them into tarot cards that have either fit the journey they go on or their character. I am hand drawing all of these cards.

Here is a link where I discuss Tarot more along with the meanings of each sections and reversed and upright.

What I need from the work shop is helping narrow down what cards I should use for characters because multiple have given me ideas.

Here is is a link to a site of the meaning of Tarot cards. It is broken up into sections and you don’t need to read all of them, but do need to look over the ones I’m potentially using. While reading if you see a card you think will be better for any of these, you’re free to bring it up.

Here is a list of the characters and cards I’m thinking of using:
Binx: Death
Streetcar Named Desire: Ten of Cups
Blanche: The Moon or The Tower
Edna: The Hermit or Ace of Swords
Adele: The Empress
Stanley: The Emperor
Kate: Two of Pentacles or The Sun
Stella: Queen of Cups
Mitch: Knight of Cups
Robert: Page of Wands
Mademoiselle Rez: Queen of Swords

While you are reading, if you see a card you think will be better for any of these or any characters I should add, you’re free to bring it up.

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