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Jacques St. Germain arrived in New Orleans in the early 1900s, well-traveled with tons of experience. His lavish lifestyle and extravagant parties were notorious throughout the city. It was said that he often threw fancy feasts, but never partook and preferred to observe his guests. Rumors started to circulate about his alleged relation to Comte St. Germain, who was thought to be a prolific alchemist in the 1600s. As more and more people took to this rumor, they began to notice an uncanny resemblance between the two. Speculation started that Jacque and Comte were the same people, and through this speculation brought the rumors of his immortality.

Already thought of as an amazing immortal man, he had to go and bite a prostitute who then jumped off of his balcony, somehow survived which caused rumors to change from immortality to vampirism. The police were involved after the prostitute survived the attack/leap. Important note: they did not believe her and thought that something more rational must have happened due to his charisma. They then investigated, which led to the discovery of a large collection of open but corked wine bottles containing blood. After this discovery, Jacque mysteriously disappeared and left no trace. He was never seen again.

Comte St. Germain was a prolific alchemist that was known throughout the 1700s. He bore an uncanny resemblance to Jacque St. Germain, as well as having many similarities and a lot of the same accomplishments. Rumors similar to that of Jacque were spread about Comte, relating to immortality. Like Jacque, he was rarely seen eating in public, claiming to be on a (blood?) “diet” it is important to note that there are no records of his birth.

vampire dude


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